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First-cycle studies

Mode of study: full-time / part-time

Duration: 3,5 years (7 semesters)

Professional title obtained: Engineer

Reqirements: choose two subjects taken at the final exams from the following: biology, chemistry, phisics, geography, foreign language, polish language, mathematics, social studies

Application deadline: May-September

Click below to register to study

Why to choose this department?

If you are interested in natural sciences, botany, zoology, you care about the fate of the natural environment and you see the need to look for the methods ofrationalizationof agricultural products, the studies at this department is a hit!

You'll master the knowledge in the field of:forestry, agriculture, environmental protection and ecology.

You will learn about the basic diseases of plants, as well as the issues connected with botany, dendrology, forest zoology and meadowing.

You will know the challenges of running forest transport, how to set up and run forest nurseries and use the forest for recreational purposes.

With such a broad knowledge of nature and of administrative structures and practical skills in forest management you can:

- work in the administration of the State Forests, national and landscape parks, all companies involved in forestry and agricultural activities and scientific and research institutions,

-create expert opinions and environmental reports,

- become an advisor on innovation in the agroforestry sector, scientific and research institutions,

-You will also find employment as an worker of forest and environmental publishing houses.

Find out more about the department!

Agroforestry -  potential worth noticing!