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First-cycle studies

Mode of study: full-time / part-time

Duration: 3,5 years (7 semesters)

Professional title obtained: Engineer

Requirements: choose two subject taken at the final exams from the following: biology, chemistry, phisics, geography, foregin language, polsh language, mathematics, social studies

Application deadline: May - September

Click below to register to study

Why to choose this field of study?

If you have an idea for modern solutions in the field of zootechnics, you couldn't find a better place!

After graduation

  • you will be a specialist in Animal husbandry,assessment of raw materials and products of animal origin, animal production technology taking into account the economic and ecological aspects of the production and management of animal products
  • you will be able to plan and organize production in an agricultural enterprise, operate farms and manage  them
  • you can work in professional husbandry on animal farms, in animal Protection institutions,veterinary offices, animal welfare control Services, genetic material diagnostic centers, animal trading Companies and organizations for breeding and prevention in the maintenance of animals
  • you can use specialist knowledge as an editor of agricultural magazines to create thematic portals in information and advertising agencies.

Practice! Becouse practice makes perfect! And that's the point, becouse we make sure that our students gain the best experience!

And whenever you want to publish your experience, we invite. You to co-create a quarterly of the faculty of agrobioengineering and animal sciences.